Friday, 4 November 2011

Nearly there!!

We’re just one day away from Ironman so I expect this will be my last post before it’s all over.

So for anybody bored on Saturday you’ll be able to track the race happenings on You’ll find me on the race tracker by looking up number 1826. If you’re REALLY bored I’ve also got a personal tracker which ‘should’ hopefully track me from the moment I leave T1 until I finish(the same one that died in Kona). The link for that will be at . If I remember correctly there will be a map of the course and links to other people wearing the device so you can see how we’re comparing to each other.
So now that’s out of the way, what has the day before the day before involved? Well it started with a blog post, I’ve never posted so much! Then I popped down to the beach with Stuart and we went for a short sea swim just to get the feel of things. It was all good and there weren’t too many jellyfish, although we only swam 10mins out and 10mins back. That was followed by a browse around the Iron Village(s) which are still pitifully small. Small as they are I’m somehow now pondering buying a Disc Wheel after taking one for a test spin on my bike. Reading reviews and forums they seem pretty popular but a local bike nerd that I know doesn’t appear to be a fan at all. The price is more than right and if future bike plans work out it could actually free up some much needed money long term by allowing me to sell my ZIPP 808’s. At this moment in time I’ve no idea what I’ll do, but if I get one then I’ll be racing on it Saturday. Watch this space!!

Yesterday afternoon we had an Ironman ‘Tweet-up’ organised by Frayed_Laces. In typically useless Iain fashion I’ve no idea who most of the people are and my useless memory where faces and names are concerned mean that I didn’t really make a big effort to find out as I’d only forget again. They were a great bunch though and all very friendly and I’ll be doing my best to recognise them out on the course (I really am that hopeless), especially the two girls riding with the draft bikes. I certainly don’t want to be upsetting them 
The evening was the Pasta Party and Race Briefing and possibly the worst Pasta Party I’ve ever been to. Not only was there not enough tables/seating but for long spells they ran out of food, then even with a makeshift buffet with whatever was left lining one table they were still selling tickets at $30 a pop. A guest ticket is possibly the worst $30 you’ll ever spend at this Ironman, but we still all do it to get our other halves in. The Awards Banquet will be the same but we’ll no doubt still be there for more disappointment.
So onto today……… It’s time for any final bike tweaks, like maybe a new wheel – or maybe not. I need to get my race bags packed and get everything down to transition. There could always be a swim, bike or run thrown in there along with the traditional Pancake Breakfast and maybe even a massage. We’ll see.

See you on the other side.


Anonymous said...

oo ooo ooo Can I bag the swim hat please. My last florida one has ripped in half and i know you wont wear it again after tomorrow :) pweety pwease

GOOD LUCK IAIN. Will be watching/tracking/shouting at you loads tomorrow

Love you loads xxx

Paintedrunner said...

Good luck Iain I'll be tracking you. I hope you have a really god time and that the race works out the way you want it too. Xxx

Alain said...

If I were you, i would not change material in the last minute...but you are the pro :-)

all the best and as usual make the pale white hairy legged race proud. alain