Hi all, it's been a while. Merry Christmas!!
It's been a busy month since my last post. Busy working, busy eating, busy doing nothing, but not really busy training. Ok, sure I did Cornish Marathon 2 weeks after Ironman but that's more a tradition than a race which my performance showed.that I was nowhere near recovered as despite starting at a stupidly easy pace I blew to pieces with 10miles to go. Other than that my training has been merely ticking over apart from last Thursday when my annual Birthday Triathlon turned into a Duathlon (4.2m/42m/4.2m) because of the Barnstaple Pool closure and just went to how exactly how much fitness you can lose in less than 6 weeks. It hurt!!!
In other news the new steed should be here next month thanks to my main man Michael at Bike It. We're still working on the exact details so watch this space next month.
I'm also 'finally' after around 2 decades of Triathlon very close to taking the sport half seriously and getting a coach - I really am!!!!!
I've spoken to a few folks since I qualified for Kona about trying to go that extra little step and training 'properly' rather than just muddling along as normal. Of course, it's not been easy. I've got huge financial/time/work restrictions but to take things seriously I feel I need something more than a generic program that make up most coaching set-ups 'basic' plans. I 'may' possibly have found a compromise though with a new coaching set up who seem willing to take a punt on me for a more reasonable rate - maybe it'll help their profile if they make me good......... As with the bike you'll need to watch this space to see what, if anything, comes of it.Unless in the mean time somebody comes along offering to coach me for FREE (any takers reading this??? I thought not!) then I think I might be putting some money into training for the first time ever in a bid for Kona Glory(ish).
That's about it really, it's December so there's not a lot to report. Next up is Wheaton Aston 10k on the 27th December when I'll be wobbling round with two days worth of Christmas in my stomach. Bring it on!!
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